WANT A CUSTOM PIECE OF SPIN ART DONE? CLICK HERE TO EMAIL US! -->>spinningouttacontrol1@gmail.com


Posted by Oscar Doty on

Welcome to Spinning Outta Control. My name is Oscar. I am married to my high school sweetheart. We have been happily married for almost 23 years. We have 3 amazing children (22, 17, and....6 months!)

The name Spinning Outta Control has so much more meaning to myself and my family than just the action of paint spinning round and round on canvas. It has to do with art, being a husband and father, having a brother commit suicide at the age of 15, my daily bout with anxiety and depression, and my journey to sobriety. Sounds like I'm living the American dream....RIGHT???

Spinning Outta Control came about after close to 3 years of alcohol abuse. I had gastric bypass surgery in February of 2017. Not very long after my surgery, the alcohol abuse started. I would go through pretty much the same routine every single day....work, gym, then alcohol. Pretty counterproductive, RIGHT?!?!?!

I considered checking into rehab several times. In the back of my mind, I would always convince myself that I would be OK, and didn't need help. I was working, working out, and providing financially for my family. Doing everything that a man was supposed to do, right? Boy was I SOOOOO wrong! With all of the drinking that I was doing, I totally lost focus of what was important in life...my faith, family time, self-love, love for others, self care, and so many other things. Again, I continued to convince myself that I was doing nothing wrong and that everything would be OK. I'm a man. "I got this" RIGHT???

The alcohol consumption just gradually got worse. In my mind, drinking required getting to the point of not remembering the next day and blacking out. For me, it was OK to drink and drive. I was the "responsible alcoholic". I could "drive better" while drinking. In fact, I could drive so much better under the influence, that there was no way I would ever hurt myself, my loved ones, or anyone else while drinking and driving. Not possible, no way, not ever. RIGHT???

My life came to a screeching halt around 1:30 am on January 6th of 2020. I was arrested and taken into custody for DUI. Almost 3 years of me thinking everything was "right" finally got checked. This wasn't my fault. Why did everyone do this to me? This is your fault, her fault, his fault, and their fault. I gave everyone everything they needed and this has nothing to do with me. I had done nothing wrong to sit in a cold cell for 8 hours and 50 minutes...RIGHT??

So what was I going to do with my time now that I couldn't drink for at least 6 months, which turned into over a year? Work, gym, sleep, repeat. That still left me with a few hours a day that was once used to consume alcohol. I have always loved art (drawing, painting, etc). When I was younger, I used to love watching Bob Ross on TV. I found spin art on TikTok. There was something about the process that intrigued me. I spent hours watching @revartstudios and @johnnyqqq do spin art. These guys do AMAZING art btw. To be able to take paint and a canvas and transform it into something so imperfectly perfect was very satisfying to me. Spin art is no different than humans. We all are imperfectly perfect. I have learned this through my own trials and tribulations. It still sometimes drives my anxiety through the roof though!  I can do spin art...RIGHT???

So I gave it a spin (LOL..see what I did there). As with anything new, the first few pieces were rough. Still, there was something about paint spinning around fast on a canvas that made me happy. The ability to lay beautiful colors on canvas, spin them, and create an imperfectly perfect piece really spiked my dopamine levels. I liked that feeling! I liked the feeling of others saying that watching my lives and seeing my work gave them mental satisfaction and peace. So you mean to tell me I can feel good about myself without alcohol and help others? There's no way...RIGHT???

I have now been sober since January 6th of 2020. The goal is pretty simple for Spinning Outta Control. Help others and make people smile. If I can make a little money along the way, even better.  I want my artwork to inspire others. I want others to know that whatever they are facing in life can be combatted without substance abuse. I want others to know that I am here if they need someone to talk to. I want others to know that if they have goals, all you have to do is put in the work and slay those goals. I want others to know that I now find peace and priority in family, friendships, and helping others. It's not always easy, but it's definitely worth it.....RIGHT (no question marks needed)

I truly hope you enjoy my artwork. I put every ounce of love and care within me into each piece. Each piece is unique. Each piece tells a story.

Spinning Outta Control would not be possible without the unconditional love and support of my beautiful family, amazing friends, and great people like you! So for that, I want to thank you!

Have an idea for a piece that you want that tells your story? Shoot me an email. It would be my pleasure to help! 
